Base Formula Rosemary Essential Oil 10ml




Rosemary Essential Oil 10ml

Rosemary essential oil has a strong, fresh, camphor-like aroma with a woody, balsamic undertone. It is one of the most cephalic aromatherapy oils. Ideal for boosting memory and concentration. Also good for aches and pains and respiratory complaints.

Rosemary essential oil is steam distilled from the aromatic Rosemary shrub which has leathery, needle-like leaves and tiny, pale blue flowers, that bloom from December through to Spring. Steam distillation of 100 pounds of Rosemary in bloom will yield one pound of strong, clean and potent Rosemary essential oil.

Rosemary meaning “Rose of the Sea” is one of the most stimulating aromatherapy oils. It has an energising effect and can be a useful tonic during periods of stress, or to aid memory and concentration whilst studying (it is often called the ‘herb of remembrance’). It has a similar ‘clearing’ action and scent to Eucalyptus and is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils for respiratory problems in winter. Rosemary essential oil is also often included in aromatherapy massage blends for the joints and muscles.

Species: Rosmarinus officinalis ct. camphor
Plant family: Lamiaceae
Origin: Spain
Note: Middle
Extraction method: Steam distilled

Safety Note:
Avoid during pregnancy or if epileptic

Rosemary essential oil can be used to stimulate hair growth, improve shine and condition of the hair and promote a healthier scalp. It can also help improve the appearance and colour of skin in peripheral areas i.e. hands, arms, legs and feet

Rosemary oil helps stimulate the brain and increases alertness. It can help with debility, fatigue, lack of direction or concentration and poor memory

Rosemary essential oil has mucolytic properties that are beneficial for respiratory problems such as coughs, bronchitis, catarrh and congestion. It is often used by people who snore. Its analgesic properties can help to soothe aches, pains and stiff muscles, and it can also be beneficial for relieving headaches, migraines and neuralgia.

Blends well with:
Peppermint, Tea Tree and Lavender essential oils

Allergens Listing:

Limonene 6% Linalool 0.8%


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