Kitchen Sponge (2 pack)


2 in stock

SKU: 5060892900319 Category:


Kitchen Sponge (2 pack)

Compostable sponges are the latest eco-friendly cleaning option for your kitchen. These sponges are made from natural materials like cellulose and coconut fibres, so they break down quickly in your compost bin.

Unlike regular sponges, compostable sponges won’t leave behind any synthetic materials that can pollute the environment. And, since they’re made from renewable resources, you can feel good knowing that you’re not contributing to the depletion of our planet’s resources.

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact and help keep our planet clean, switch to compostable sponges in your kitchen today.

What are the benefits of using compostable sponges?

Compostable sponges are just as effective as synthetic sponges at cleaning up messes, but they have a number of additional benefits.

For one, compostable sponges are much more environmentally friendly than their synthetic counterparts. Synthetic sponges can take hundreds of years to break down in landfills, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment as they do so. Compostable sponges, on the other hand, will break down in a compost heap in just a few weeks.


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